Tuesday 19th, Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st May
- 7:00 pm - "From Forest Field to Western Front" - A dramatisation of the impact the flying pioneers and
World War I had on East Boldre.
Friday 22nd May
- 1:30 pm - Schools' Service of Remembrance at St. Paul's Church, East Boldre.
- 7:00 pm -Official Opening by Hon. Ralph Montagu with a small preview of the new exhibition material.
- Julian Lewis MP - Talk and Q&A session on the Politics of WW1
- Break for refreshments
- The Four Seasons Singers lead a WW1 sing-along.
Saturday 23rd May
- 11:00 am - The Exhibition Weekend is open to the public. We will be showing a large number of newly
discovered photographs and documents from the WW1 RFC/RAF Training Station at East Boldre. These
were taken by servicemen stationed at East Boldre during WW1 and have spent the last hundred years
hidden away in private photo albums and attics. They have never been shown publicly. Other exhibitors
include: The New Forest National Park Authority, Friends of the New Forest Airfields, the RAF Association
and the New Milton Heritage Group. Officers of 84 Squadron, the only surviving RAF squadron formed at
East Boldre a century ago, will be flying in from Cyprus to attend the event.
- 3:00 pm - Flying display of nine replica WW1 war planes by the Great War Display Team (subject to weather
- Refreshments, BBQ and Tombola.
Sunday 24th May
- 10:00 am - The exhibition will be open with refreshments, BBQ and Tombola.
- 11:00 am - Service of Remembrance at St. Paul's Church conducted by Rev Ray Hubble, a retired RAF
Chaplain. Poppy crosses made by local schoolchildren will be laid at the 21 war graves.
- 12:30 pm - The service will progress to and conclude at the village hall war memorial. A Royal Air Force
brass quintet will provide music and the 84 Squadron Crest will be unveiled by RAF officers of 84 Squadron.
- Reserve date for flying display if postponed from Saturday.
Monday 25th May
- The exhibition will be open from 10:00 am with refreshments, BBQ and Tombola.
- Reserve date for flying display if postponed from Saturday and Sunday.
Guided Airfield Walks will take place at 10:30 am and 2:00 pm on Saturday, Sunday and Monday
We need your unwanted Christmas gifts and donations for our Tombola Stall, and lots of volunteers to man the
kitchen, BBQ, Tombola Stall, set up the gazebos, marshal cars and crowds, sell programmes, and loads of other
essential tasks. Tombola donations can be handed to any committee member or left with Maggie at East Boldre
All events will be held at East Boldre Village Hall unless otherwise stated. A £5.00 admission charge, to include a free
souvenir programme, apply to the performances but the main exhibition weekend is free. The event will include a talk
by Terry Butcher of the 84 Squadron (RAF) Association - time and date to be announced.
For the most up-to-date information go to www.eastboldre.talktalk.net.
Volunteers, please contact eastboldre@yahoo.co.uk or talk to any of the committee members.