Find out more about two projects in East Sussex exploring the history of the First World War at a free event at the Redoubt Fortress & Military Museum.
The Day Sussex Died Project. 30 June 1916: more than 1000 Sussex men killed or wounded in one day. This project researches those men, the battle, and the devastating effect that had on Sussex.
Twelve & Sixpence Project. What was life like for those left behind while the men were away fighting? How did families survive on separation allowance of just 12 shillings and 6 pence per week?
- Come and find out about the projects
- Bring your memories, photos, letters, medals from your family
- Share your stories, talk to students, help them understand that time
- Find out more about Sussex and the First World War
10.30 - The Battle of Boar's Head and the Sussex Regiment: Chris Richards, Eastbourne PALS
11.30 - The Home Front: Dr Lucy Noakes, University of Brighton / Gateways to the First World War
Redoubt Fortress & Military Museum Royal Parade, Eastbourne, BN22 7AQ
Sound Architect Creative Media in partnership with the Redoubt Fortress & Military Museum and Manor Primary School, Uckfield, supported by a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund.