Comhairle nan Eilean Siar is co-hosting this free event with two of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funded First World War Engagement Centres; Gateways to the First World War and Living Legacies 1914-18. The day will begin with the latest news from Ar Dìleab and then a research presentation by the 'Visualising the Iolaire' project. Another aim of the day is to publicise the support on offer for community heritage projects looking for funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund's First World War: Then and Now grant which closes in January 2019. It will also provide an opportunity for organisations to reflect on centenary activity so far in order to shape and inform future work, and discuss best practice, planning for forthcoming anniversaries and networking.
Booking for this event is essential. To secure a place book here:
10:00 am Registration with tea and coffee
10:20 am Welcome and introduction from Ken Roddy MacKay (Kinloch Historical Society)
10:30 An Dìleab – The Legacy. Shona MacLellan (Comhairle nan Eilean Siar)
11:15 Visualising the Iolaire, Dr Iain Robertson (University of the Highlands and Islands) and Dr Iain Donald (Abertay University)
12:15 HLF First World War: Then and Now grant (short film)
12:30 Lunch and networking
13:30 Workshop: Engagement Centre support for First World War community projects. Professor Lucy Noakes (University of Essex) and Dr Sam Carroll (University of Kent)
14:30 Break out into two rooms.
- Reflections on the Centenary of the First World War Focus Group with Professor Lucy Noakes
- First World War: Then and Now HLF project support and development meetings with Dr Sam Carroll
15:45 Closing remarks and evaluation
16:00 End
Visualising the Iolaire
Visualising the Iolaire is a commemoration for the twenty first century and the diaspora. This is a collaborative project between the universities of Abertay and Highlands and Islands and a number of Comunn Eachdraidh. Together we are exploring the collective memory of the impact of the disaster and creating a digital application to take the memory forward, to ensure its continuing relevance and to help with expanding knowledge of the tragedy. This event will introduce the application, summarise the research outcomes and preview the latest version as testing nears completion. The opportunity is there, therefore, to feedback your thoughts on the application and influence the final version.
Reflections on the Centenary of the First World War Focus Group
Reflections on the Centenary of the First World War: Learning and Legacies for the Future is a three year research project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. Led by historians from the universities of Essex, Exeter, Glasgow and Kent, we want to find out about your experiences of the centenary. Have you been involved in a project? What motivated you to become involved, and what did you do? Do you think that the experiences of your local area during the war are now better understood, and more widely known? How well do you think the First World War centenary has been marked in Britain, and has it changed your understanding of the conflict? In this focus group, we invite you to come along and share your thoughts and experiences, helping us to reflect as a group on the meanings of the war in 2018, and the wider legacies of the centenary for Britain.
First World War: Then and Now HLF project support and development meetings.
This session is for non-profit community organisations that have an idea for a FWW community heritage project to book a 15 minute meeting with Dr Sam Carroll (Community Heritage Researcher, Gateways to the First World War) in order to discuss project ideas and funding applications for the HLF First World War grant
The idea would be for the project lead to have already started shaping their ideas into an expression of interest form which can be found on the HLF website, and to have read through the application guidance on the same page. These meetings can be booked when registering for the event.
A’ Chiad Chogadh agus na h-Eileannan an Iar: Pròiseactan, Maoineachadh agus smuaintean air an Cuimhneachan air an ceud bliadhna
Comann Eachdraidh Ceann na Loch, An t-Seann Sgoil, Baile Ailein, Eilean Leodhais HS2 9PT
Tachartas fosgailte agus saor-an-asgaidh
Dihaoine 28mh den t-Sultain 2018 10m – 4f
Tha Comhairle nan Eilean Siar a’ cur air doigh an tachartas seo còmhla ri dà ionad airson a’ Chiad Chogaidh air a’ mhaoineachadh le Comhairle – rannsachaidh nan Ealan is Daonnachdan; Gateways to the First World War agus Living Legacies 1914-18.
Aig toiseach an latha, thèid iomradh a thoirt seachad air a’ phròiseact Ar Dìleab agus nuairsin bi taisbeanadh rannsachaidh ann mu ‘Leirsinne an Iolaire’ pròiseact a tha Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean agus Oilthigh Obar Tatha ag obair air.
Gheibh daoine cothrom barrachd fhaighinn a-mach mun taic agus maoineachadh a tha ri fhaighinn airson pròiseactan a tha a’ comharrachadh A’ Chiad Chogadh bho Maoin-dualchais a’ Chrannchuir agus A’ Chiad Chogadh: An-dè is An-diugh a bhitheas a’ dunadh airson tabhartasan san Fhaoilleach 2019. Bi cothrom ann cuideachd beachdan agus smuaintean a thoirt seachad air na pròiseactan a tha air tachairt mu thràth airson ceann-bliadhna a’ Chiad Chogadh a chomharrachadh agus smaoineachadh air pròiseactan eile a dh’fhaodas a bhith a chur air doigh an ath bhliadhna.
Tha e riantanach clàradh airson an tachartas seo, airson seo a dhèanamh, brùth air an lionc gu h-ìosal:
10:00m – Clàradh le tì agus cofaidh
10:20m – Fàilte bho Kenny MacAoidh, Comann Eachraidh Ceann na Loch
10:30m – ‘Ar Dìleab’ le Shona NicIllfhialain
11:15m – ‘Leirsinne an Iolaire’ le Dr Iain MacDhonnachaidh (Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean) agus Dr Iain Dhòmhnaill (Oilthigh Obar Tatha)
12:15f – HLF A’ Chiad Chogaidh: An dè is an-diugh (fiolm goirid)
12:30f – Lòn
13:30f – Bùth-obrach: Taic airson Pròiseactan Coimhearsnachd a’ Chiad Chogaidh le Ollamh Lucy Noakes (Oilthigh Essex) agus Dr. Sam Carroll (Oilthigh Kent)
14:30f – Dà bhuidheann
- Smuaintean air Cuimhneachan nan Ceud Bliadhna den Chiad Chogaidh leis an t-Ollamh Lucy Noakes
- A’ Chiad Chogaidh: An-dè is An-diugh - Coinneamhan comhla ri Dr Sam Carroll mu dheidhinn taic airson pròiseactan
15:45f – Beachdan air an latha
16:00f – Deireadh an Latha