Discover the history of stage and screen during the First World War. Join us to hear about some of the latest research on cinema and theatre-going from this time of global conflict. Do you have your own ideas around doing something to commemorate the centenary of the First World War? If you have thought of applying to the Heritage Lottery Fund's First World War: Then and Now grant programme and need help shaping a project, or if you are coming to the end of a funded project and are looking for inspiration for another, then this event is for you. The HLF First World War fund is open until the 18th January 2019.
Gateways to the First World War and The University of Southampton are working in collaboration to host this free and open First World War study day and information event on 26th October 2018 at the University of Southampton from 10.30am – 4.00pm. We might be able to offer help with travel expenses for community groups to attend this event. You can make a request for this when booking. Booking is essential, follow this link:
10:30: Registration and tea
11:00: Introduction
Panel One: Cinema
11:10: Dr Emma Hanna (University of Kent) Front-Line Cinemas, 1914-18
11:30: Dr Michael Hammond (University of Southampton) The Big Shows: Southampton Cinemas and Cinema-Going During the Great War
11:50: Q and A session for panel one
12:15: HLF film about the FWW grant
12:45: Lunch
Panel Two: Theatre
13:30: Dr Helen Brooks (University of Kent) Theatre of War: Researching theatre during the Great War
13:50: Professor Brad Beaven (University of Portsmouth) Theatre of War: Southsea's The Kings Theatre during the First World War
14:10: Q and A session for panel two
14:35: Tea break
15:00: Round table workshop: HLF funds for First World War projects and support from Gateways to the First World War.
15:50: Closing remarks
16:00: End
Venue: University of Southampton, Room and Building TBC
There will be an opportunity to discuss project ideas with engagement centre colleagues and other community partners in the afternoon.
Gateways to the First World War is one of five First World War Engagement Centre centres based in universities across the UK. They welcome enquiries from individuals or groups wherever they are located and they can connect you with university researchers, recommend archives and resources, advise on documenting and sharing your project and direct you to relevant training. Each centre has areas of particular expertise. You can find out more on the First World War Engagement Centres website.