A half-day event organised with the South East Museum Development Programme on Friday 16 January 2015 to introduce the Gateways to the First World War project to museums and heritage organisations.
Darwin Conference Suite 3, University of Kent
12.00pm Arrival & networking lunch
1.00pm First World War projects from around Kent:
- 'Codename: Joined Up' from the Dover Museums & Arts Group
- 'For the Fallen' from ViolaFilms, Blue Town Heritage Centre and the Royal Engineers Museum
2.00pm Introduction to 'Gateways to the First World War' project
Find out what it is, how is it funded, who is involved, why was it set up, what the aims are, what can the university offer, and how can it support community groups.
2.15pm Student Volunteers
Hear how University of Kent students could like to get involved in your project.
2.30pm Break
2.45pm Current projects supported by Gateways
Discussing how the Gateways partners have been involved and why this has been beneficial, using the following case studies:
3.30pm How to get involved
If you've been inspired to work with the Gateways team, where do you go from here?
3.45pm 'Then and Now' First World War funding stream from the Heritage Lottery Fund
4.00pm End
Places at this event can be booked here.